Self Care In Quarantine

Kyra Jagodzinski

In quarantine, the majority of our mental health is declining. According to a study by the Lancet, common psychological symptoms due to quarantine can include depression, stress, irritability, anger, and emotional exhaustion. Don’t be upset at yourself if you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, and don’t be afraid to reach out to your family, friends, and teachers. The key is to use your resources. 

Grant’s counselors are available from 10:00 to 3:10, and the majority are available to set up zoom meetings if you would like. If you’re struggling with completing schoolwork due to mental health, let your teachers know! They all care about you and are here as we get through this pandemic, as a community. 

Ways to work on your mental health while in quarantine are different types of self-care. If you struggle with stress primarily from the COVID-19 news updates, try to set a timer on how long you get to read the news. You can update yourself on the news without adding more unnecessary stress to your daily life. 

Although staying in touch with your friends and family through our technology is one of the best things we can do right now, 30 minutes away from your phone, computer and TV is a great way to hit the reset button.. Ways to fill the time include playing games with your family, taking a walk or meditating. Using this time to submerge yourself in old, current and new hobbies is also a good use of your time. You can journal, sketch and read all from the safety of your home!  

If you want to use your time to be more productive, you can learn a language free online, teach yourself how to cook or do an elaborate skincare routine. If your friends want to be involved, you can learn a language together. Or, have a baking competition within your friend group as you all work to recreate a cake! 


Although the quarantine seems to last forever, at some point you could be looking back at this and realize how fast it went by. This pandemic is an unexpected worldwide problem, and there’s no way you know how you’ll react to such a large change in your daily life. Remember to reach out to friends, family, and teachers for help along the way, and stay healthy.