Letter From The Editor

Emotional uncertainty is normal, but when this occurs, it’s time for soul searching.

Elizabeth Newcomb, Editor in Chief

My mother has always declared me as a know it all. She describes that I always have to be right and know the most in any and every situation that I encounter. While this is true about my deep intellectual nature, I have never felt further from that than I do right now in my life. 

My birthday is October 15th, I am classified as a Libra in the horoscope manual. The defining characteristic of this sign is balance. In order for a person to thrive and feel joy as a Libra, they need to maintain and create a nuanced life. 

That is nearly impossible within the state of our world right now. Dozens of questions flock my mind every minute;I wonder and ponder all day long. 

What is school going to be like when I go back? When will this awful pandemic be over? Are my teachers sleeping at night? How many different varieties of masks are possible to own? What is the news telling me? What is the President telling me? When will I learn to ease my mind and calm down?

Despite the billions of inquiries floating around my brain, I am restless. I am nervous, excited, afraid, and exceptionally lost. 

I’ve prayed to a God, universe, horoscope, and even a cup of coffee for the tiniest sense of clarity. I’m longing for the comfort in comprehending the precariousness of the state of our world right now. I have yet to achieve that feeling; however, I am satisfied with the reminder that I am not the only one who is searching for this as well. 

I hear my neighbors, teachers, friends, acquaintances, random people at Dunkin Donuts, and so many more speak about the confusion and frustration that we have all become way too familiar with. 

Truthfully, I feel naked as I’m writing this. In previous Letters From The Editor, I like to shine a beacon of hope for my audience to grasp onto. When I describe the current state of being that we’re all in, I grapple to do so. 

I refuse to be a broken record telling you that everything is fine. You could consider me a big, fat fibber if I did. Instead, I am going to assure you that your struggle is not solo. We’re still all in this together and living in a time where self isolation isn’t ideal. Instead, becoming closer and sharing commonalities on a global level is the appropriate approach.

If there is a ray of sunshine to be provided, I urge you to reach within yourself and soul search to acquire it. Currently, there is no outer balance, but you can always strive to create it within yourself. 

Ease your mind and find peace with the questions that are consistently knocking on your noggin and trying to come in. Allow yourself to wonder and feel the confusion and frustration. You’re a human being and entitled to do so. 

My mother always tells me that it’s best to “bless and release”. In other words, acknowledge the struggle and simply accept the responsibility that it is NOT your responsibility to fix or know every detail of the world right now.