The ever growing struggle of time managment

Missing assignments keep stacking up and it seems that there’s simply no time. Your schedule is packed with meetings and other activities leaving you no time for you. Late nights spent on call with your friends turn into sleepless nights finishing that one lab report or essay before class the next day. Figuring out how to manage your time has become more of a necessity than ever before.

Olivia Zavorski

Olivia Zavorski, Features Journalist

For many of us, there are often days where we are stressed out of our minds. It seems that we don’t have enough time to get even simple tasks done. Our days are filled with wondering if we have enough hours in the day to finish our “to-do list”. Todoist and the calendar app were both created to help solve these problems. (Both are free and available on IOS and android.) These apps help you track and plan your day. For example, if you have a zoom meeting at 2:00 pm, you can check the app or get a notification letting you know when your meeting is scheduled to help you be on time. 

Another option you could do similar to the previous idea is planning. Planning provides you control over how your day will go, which creates a sense of ease and fulfillment. Planning will aid you in completing your daily tasks with less stress. This will help focus on the tasks you need to. Ways to plan can be using a planner, setting alarms, or using online planners and calendars.

  Making a to-do list is great for time management. To-do lists are great because they keep you motivated and focused on what you need to do. When and if you get distracted from your list, you should always make an effort to go back to it later. One of the several benefits of creating to-do lists is that you can improve your time management. Another benefit of being organized is that it relieves stress. This is because you know what you have to get done, and crossing an item off your list can be an instant stress relief. 

The next tip is putting the most important tasks first and finding the time you work best in. For example, if you’re more productive in the morning, try to get your work done in the morning. The same goes for if you work best at night. Putting your most important tasks first allows you to get them out of the way. Then you can focus on your easier tasks afterward. If you have a lot of work you have to do, work on one thing at a time. Putting your effort into one task at a time is better than in a lot of tasks. The last tip is rearranging your schedule. To create more time in your day, Forbes recommends “[waking] up an hour earlier” instead of sleeping in every morning. This extra hour or two before the start of your day will allow you to have more breathers in between tasks. The next time you find yourself feeling like you have neverending mountains of work, try to write a to-do list, or plan the next day out so you know what you’re doing.