Protecting the Rocks

The Things That Really Matter Today

Seager Johnson

More stories from Seager Johnson

Cancel Culture
December 9, 2020

Please watch the video above before reading this article. 


During this pandemic, the lesson in this video holds more importance than ever before. The current situation is very difficult, but we need to remember what remains most important. We must protect our family and our health. They are most important on a typical day, and they are what we must protect now.

Are you taking precautions to protect your rocks?

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Many Americans have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Dominic Rushe, writer for The Guardian, states, “in just six weeks an unprecedented 30 million Americans have now sought unemployment benefits”. These numbers are astounding and unthinkable. No one wished for businesses to shut down or have to lay off many employees to stay in business. However, this is only temporary and as big as it may seem now, it’s only pebbles. Your job is very important and necessary as a means of survival, but protecting your family and your health is more important at this time and you must worry about the pebbles later.

Many of those who aren’t dependent on a job, but instead their parents and guardians, have been complaining. They complain about how bored they are and how they can’t do what they had planned like going to six flags and concerts and vacations. This is just sand. As enjoyable as these activities are, once again, it is essential to keep the rocks safe.

To those who complain that this is a restriction on your first amendment right, think about what you have just read. All the government wants to do is protect your rocks. They want to reduce the number of fatalities this pandemic reaps from our country. Governor J.B. Pritzker acknowledged in one of his earlier conferences that your job is essential to your life, but you can’t have a job if you don’t have your life. Keep yourself and your family safe, everything else is just pebbles and sand. Though these times will be tough, your life is still full with rocks. The government is doing what they can to help out people going through hard times without work right now, so please do your part and stay safe. We are almost through this. Protect your rocks!