On Saturday, April 20, 2024, Grant had its first-ever Fido Festival. This event that mainly focused on raising money for dog rescues. It was an adoption event but there wouldn’t be any adoptions going on. It focused on showing people what kinds of dogs the rescues have and even showed a bit of the adoption process. There were 16 vendors there including a food truck. There were three demonstrations such as a dog doing a trick and a canine demonstration from the Lake County Sheriff’s office.
They’re advertising all around Lake County and putting advertisements in the newsletter. Mrs. Trevithick who ran this event hoped that over 100 people show up. “It’s the first time they’ve ever had an event like this and especially this kind of an event.” (Mrs. Trevithick). Raffle tickets were for sale with over 60 raffle baskets being given away. Some of the clubs here at Grant provided help at this event. Canine Connections, National Honors Society, National Art Honors Society doing face painting, and FCCLA will help sell dog toys. The Student Council helped with the activities for the children attending. Last but not least, the Transition Program baked some of their famous dog cookies and sold them. The Fido Festival was a great opportunity to learn about adopting.