Books Returning
The Handmaid’s Tale
“The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margret Atwood tells the story of of a girl named Offred, and the several other womens scary, horrible lives in the Republic of Gilead.“The Handmaid’s Tale” are coming back in 2018 as a Hulu original, where the words written on the pages will come to life in a TV show series.
Bridget Jones’s Diary
“Bridget Jones’s Diary” by Helen Fielding is a story about a girl named Bridget and the life she writes and portrays through her diary. After the book was released in 1996, film writers saw a perfect movie opportunity. Later, in 2001, a movie was released on the book.
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Andrea Lowry is a freshman at GCHS. She enjoys interviewing a variety of people for the newspaper, along with taking pictures and designing layout. She...