so hard these past 4 years!! Between balancing school and work you have
done an amazing job at remaining on the honor roll!!! I couldn’t be more
proud of you! Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see what the future brings! I
love you!! -Mom

As we sit here with tears in our eyes and smiles on our faces, we
cannot help but reflect on the beautiful journey that has brought us
to this moment. From the antsy kindergartner stepping onto the school
bus for the first time to the confident young man standing tall before us
today on the brink of graduating high school, your journey has been noth-
ing short of incredible. Look how far you have come! You have flourished
from scraped knees and superhero capes into a young man of integrity and kindness. While
your academic and extracurricular achievements have been impressive, it is your character
that truly shines brightest. You have tackled adversity with determination and composure,
and managed to maintain a clever sense of humor and quick wit through it all. Your ability
to find the silver lining of any situation is truly a gift, and it’s something we hope you never
lose.As you close this chapter in life and open the next, spread your wings and soar into your
next adventure with the memories, friendships, and principles that have guided you thus far.
Your compassion, empathy, and heart of gold are what make you truly exceptional and we
have no doubt that you will continue to transform the world around you. So here’s to you,
our graduating senior, on how far you have come, and know that the journey ahead holds
boundless possibilities. No matter where life takes you, always remember that your values
are your greatest asset, and your unwavering faith will carry you through any challenge that
comes your way.
With all our love and endless pride,
Mom & Dad

You’ve never failed to make us proud of you, mostly your sheer
determination to accomplish what is important to you. We’ve
watched you grow from a sassy baby girl to an accomplished
young woman with many dreams and goals. On top of your aca-
demic accomplishments that have been nothing short of amazing,
you managed to get involved in both your school and community
with fierce passion. This has all been done with love and kindness in
your heart that we are grateful for. We will be there to support you in all your endeavors.
We are excited for your future even though it is for now uncertain which direction you will
go. We will miss you terribly when you go to University but we are excited for your new
Love Mom and Dad

closes, a new adventure begins. As much as it saddens us to send you off on your own, we
know this is an important part of the beginning of your independence. One thing will never
change, we will be right behind you, supporting you and cheering you on. No matter the
challenges you face ahead, continue to face them with confidence. You only fail when you
stop trying. Let your faith and your morals be your compass to make the right decisions. You
are brilliant and we are confident you will continue to do amazing things. Remember that what
makes you different from others is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Continue to be
yourself and never compromise on what you believe in. Be kind, not only to others, but especially to
yourself. Good luck in chasing your dreams!

found myself staring at you as a small child wondering what you would look and
act like when you grew up. What your interests would be and what career path
you would take. Me and your dad have been so honored and proud to watch you
to surpass any exception we had for you. We are so proud who you have become
and that path you are choosing in life. We pray that the foundation laid for you by
your family, teachers, friends and your faith will help you do great things in your next
chapter in life! xo love Mom, Dad

It seems like all these years leading up to your senior year
has gone by in a flash, yet I can remember each moment. You
have always been an exceptional person that cares and respects
those around him. You’ve grown to continue to be that same
person, but now a young man. These past four years in high school
you went from a “pandemic Online school freshman” to a savvy
senior taking tech courses at the college along with your regular high school courses and
working 30 hours a week. I couldn’t be more proud of you and the person you are. I know
your future will be as bright as the sun, for you’ve always been the BEST son.
Love you for always, mom

It seems like just yesterday when I first laid my eyes on my baby girl and now,
we are weeks away from your high school graduation. We cannot express
how proud we are of the young women you have become. Throughout your
years in school you were always self-driven to be the best version of yourself.
You couldn’t wait to experience high school and all that came with it. There was a
bit of fear but also excitement ….. and then COVID hit. You missed out on so many
8th grade activities you were looking forward too with your friends, including gradu-
ation. Entering high school virtually, you pushed through it all with such grace and determination.
Through all the roadblocks you have always pushed ahead and made the best of what you were
given. We watched you take on new adventures along the way and excel in everything you did.
Working a part time job since you were 14 years old, playing varsity volleyball, honors / AP classes
and clubs all while maintaining your 4.676 GPA overall. What else could we ask for?? Attending
every sporting event you could and sending us to the store on multiple occasions to purchase attire
to fit the “theme” for that day’s game. The numerous nights you came home cold and without a
voice. It was a parent’s dream to watch you fulfill so many dreams in high school and now you are
on to bigger and better things. Our hearts are definitely not ready to send you off to college but
deep down we know you will succeed in everything you put your mind too. Even though we know
you will be living your best life as a Cyclone, always remember we love you MUCHO and will always
be here for you!!!
Love Always,
Mom & Dan
PS – Don’t forget to call your Mama!

We want you to know how incredibly proud we are the person
you’ve become. Throughout your academic journey, you’ve shown
dedication, perseverance, and a hunger for knowledge that has
truly amazed us parents. Your hard work and determination have
paid off, culminating in this momentous occasion.Graduation is not just
about receiving a diploma; it’s a symbol of your growth, resilience, and
readiness to take on the world. As you step into this next chapter of your
life, remember to embrace every opportunity that comes your way, chase
your dreams with passion, and never lose sight of who you are and what you stand for. Congratulations and we love you, Chloe
!Papa and Mama

We are so proud of the smart, beautiful, sweet young woman that
you have become! It seems like just yesterday you were graduat-
ing middle school! Over the past four years, we enjoyed watching
you excel in your academics and participating in sports which have
helped you grow into the ambitious, determined and hard-working
student that has prepared you for your next chapter at the University
of Iowa! Can’t wait to see how much you grow over the next four years!
We love you!
Mom, Dad and Trevor

We are so excited for you and your adventures to come. We could not be more
proud of your accomplishments, and, even more importantly, we could not be
more impressed with what an admirable young man you are. We promise to
bother you everyday with updates on the J-Unit group chat – we realize our daily
Wordless scores are critical ;).
You are our favorite person ever. We will miss you terribly, but we know the best is yet
to come!We love you.
Mom and Dad

your life, we find ourselves reflecting
On the incredible journey that has led you to this moment. From
the first time we held you in our arms until now we have wit-
nessed your growth with awe and pride.It feels like just yesterday
that you were a curious child, wanting to explore the world around
you. You approached every challenge with a sense of wonder and determination, never
letting obstacles hold you back from your goals. Over the years, we have watched you
blossom into a remarkable young woman, full of grace, strength, and resilience. Through-
out your high school years, you have faced countless trials and victories, each one shaping
you into the person you are today. You have not only excelled academically, but you have
also demonstrated steady dedication to your passions and interests. Whether it was leading
your team to victory in a bowling tournament or pouring your heart into your studies, you
have always given your all with solid commitment. Beyond your achievements, what truly
sets you apart is your love for God. Your willingness to serve God in all areas of your life is a
testament to the incredible person you have become. As you begin this new chapter of your
life, remember to embrace every opportunity that comes your way with open arms. College
will be a time of growth, discovery, and self-exploration, and we have no doubt that you will
rise to the occasion with the same grace and determination that you have always shown. As
you step onto the Mount Mercy campus in August and into this new chapter of your life,
know that you carry with you the love, support, and respect of not only us but many others
around you. You are destined for greatness, and we cannot wait to see all the amazing
things that the future holds for you.
Wishing you all the best on this incredible journey ahead.
With all our love,
Mom and Dad

en’t always been easy but you did it with your best ability. Even though you are going
to be going to college in another state, I will just be a phone call away. I know you
will do good things and become an amazing adult. I can’t wait to see what the future
has in store for you. I love you so much!

Congratulations on finishing high school!
You worked hard and accomplished your goals! Finishing with great
grades and obtaining BSA Eagle rank is no small accomplishment.
You have proved to yourself that if you set goals, you can achieve
them. I look forward to seeing what you will do in the future. Life takes
twists and turns and I’m sure you will make your way through it all. You
have already been through so much and have grown incredibly strong
because of it. I want you to know that it has been a pleasure and a privilege to
see you grow up. I am proud of you!
Lots of Love, Mom

such an exciting new chapter in your life. You have taken the challenges of the last 4 years
with such maturity, grace and poise. Covid, for example, was a HUGE challenge for the world.
You, like all, struggled with on line schooling but you researched and found a different school
that you could attend to get the education you wanted and needed. Changing schools is NOT
an easy thing to do but you did it and persevered. When Covid came to an end, you made hard
decisions again to go back to Grant and faced reintroducing yourself back into the school. Again,
it was a challenge but you overcame. You took on not 1 but 2 jobs and quickly became a valued
employee to the point of training others. Sure there have been bumps in the road and there will
be bigger bumps in the road, but I know you will accept these challenges and make decisions
that will excel you ahead in life. Dad and I will ALWAYS be here for you Toni. We are so proud of
you and cannot wait to see you continue to be the success in life you want to be, no matter what
it is you chose to do!
Love you so much
Mom and Dad

ing your commencement,you have made us proud and our love for
you has never been felt more deeply. You are a complete and inspiring
man who has nothing but limitless opportunities ahead of you. Not only
are you the best parts of your parents, but you are even more. As you
“leave the nest” and move into the world, we are excited for your next adventures. As you find
your way in the world, we are confident that you will find a
Path that makes the world a better place for all. You have all our love and support. We are
honored that
You are our son, and the future has never looked better.
Love,Mom and Dad

the source of pride and love. From the moment you came into this
world, you have brought immeasurable happiness and meaning to our
Watching you grow and evolve into the remarkable person you are today has been one of
life’s greatest gifts. Your kindness, your resilience, and your unwavering spirit inspire us each
and every day. You have a heart that’s as vast as the ocean and a soul that shines bright with
compassion and empathy. These qualities, my son, are what make you truly extraordinary.
We want you to know how incredibly proud we are of you. Not just for your achievements
and successes, but for the person you are at your core. You possess a strength of charac-
ter and a depth of wisdom that is beyond your years. You face challenges with courage,
embrace life with optimism, and you treat others with kindness and respect. These are the
qualities that define true greatness, and you embody them effortlessly.
As you continue on your journey through life, our wish for you is simple: Never lose sight of
who you are and what you stand for. Stay true to yourself, follow your dreams with passion,
and always believe in the power of kindness, respect and love. Remember that you are
capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and that no obstacle is too great to
overcome. We are always here for you and to help you through anything.
Please know, that no matter where life takes you, we will always be here for you, cheering
you on every step of the way. Our love for you knows no bounds, and it will remain a con-
stant source of strength and support throughout your life.
Thank you for being the incredible person that you are, and for blessing our life in more
ways than we can count. You are our son, our pride, and our joy, and we are endlessly grate-
ful to have you as our own.
With all of our love,
Mom & Dad