Going to college can be scary. Many people think that going to a community college, like College of Lake County or College of McHenry County would be an easy option, but what if you don’t want to miss out on a university experience later on? Before anything, you should use online resources, like looking at different university’s post transfer requirements on the school’s admission websites. Attending community college first could be beneficial financially, as Ms. Ashmore states “Community colleges price themselves to provide the best options for students at the best rate, as bigger universities and colleges are often looking for additional funds to grow their university.”
Something to keep in mind is knowing what the community college specializes in, and what the university you want to go to specializes in. This is important, especially if you’re like senior, Alecxy Labtis looking for a nursing career. She states, “[It] has many connections including a bridge with Lake Forest Hospital. So after CLC, I have a very good chance of getting a job right away.”
Having connections is important so that future employers and universities know you are qualified A lot of people think that going to community college means that the professors aren’t good teachers, but that isn’t true. GCHS counselor, Ms. Ashmore states, “My geology teacher when I went to College of Lake County had three doctorates and worked for the EPA.” Starting at College of Lake County, McHenry County College, or other community colleges nearby, is a great financial choice. With any follow up questions make an appointment with Mrs. Masura, your counselor, or the transferring department in the community college of your choice. Be ready to make the leap from community college, to university.