Lost Within Yourself

Being in high school and finding the right fit for you can cause you to lose your identity.

At one point in time in a person’s life they have felt lost like they are drowning within themselves, and can’t get their head above the water. Although everyone has felt that way some people are currently facing it and would like advice to get through. Three Grant students ( Seniors Nychelle Stubbs, Jaliyah Washington, and junior Katelyn) give personal testimonies on how losing their identity affected them, while also giving important tips to future/current students struggling in the same situation as well.
Most of society constantly goes through an identity crisis with each new stage of their life. Although it is normal to constantly try to reinvent yourself and know the true you, 37% of teenagers feel like they don’t even know themselves at all according to stage of life. While people tend to isolate themselves to recover from the lost of their identity they tend to miss out on things they could enjoy. You can never go back to the old you once you lose yourself, but you can become an improved version by interacting with new people and trying new hobbies.
When asking Grant senior Nychelle Stubbs if she has ever felt lost and what was the biggest step she took to find herself she replied with, “Everyday of my life…Realizing that making mistakes doesn’t mean the end of the world for me, and trying to meet new people and try different activities helped quite a lot.”
While others are okay with not fitting in with the crowd and being labeled “loners”, others have lost themselves trying to fit into a group that didn’t fit their identity. Eventually, the person or people realize it’s not the right group of people for them, or that their personality isn’t worth the damage.
When interviewing Katelyn, I asked if she could recall a time or place she has felt lost and what caused it, she stated “School, I always try to fit in with the crowd, so I kind of lost myself that way.” School can really be the most troubling time for a teen. It’s the time you feel pressured to join a group or conform to the trends of our society. It’s okay to be different and true to yourself.
Surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you is a great way to aid in recovering yourself. In fact teens say that spending time with their family and friends, and making time for enjoyable hobbies and activities, are one of the most crucial factors in what makes up their identity.
“Just focusing on myself and what I have to do for myself. I also think family plays a large role in that” Junior Katelyn believes“ It’s very important to surround yourself with family because surrounding yourself with people that care about you and helps you rather than dealing with all your problems on your own is very important and comforting”.
Although all of these are very good ways to start and reinvent yourself, expression of your soul is better. You should never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try joining new activities and sports. Even if school spirit isn’t your cup of tea, you could always start journaling, drawing, or writing creative stories. As long as you feel like you’re being one hundred percent you and you take comfort in that, then make that a normal part of your newly renovated self.
“I think it’s important to express yourself because if you don’t express your soul what’s the point of finding yourself?” Said Senior Jaliyah Washington. Jaliyah is clearly not the only one who felt that way because in order to find herself Katelyn decided to take Tech because it was an interest she wanted to explore.
Katelyn stated “I joined Tech Campus for medical assisting, because it was something I was interested in. You know, either really put yourself out there or continue to feel lost because you’re not opening yourself up for new opportunities.”
What happens if none of these options work? Or you don’t even know where to start, then there’s always back up solutions. You can always go to school counselors or even therapists since they are specifically trained in helping people and their inner turmoil, states counseling directory. So even if you feel alone while trying to search for yourself know that everyone has been in this situation even the counselors who are to help you and can help you. You are never alone even when it feels like it because there are always people there to help and listen, but you must also be willing to listen because they cannot help you if you aren’t ready to be helped.
While everyone goes through an identity crisis at least once some people have trouble finding themselves and it can feel like a continuous loop when trying to. Yet it’s important to persevere and keep going because the only person who can truly affect you and your change is you.
“ The feeling sucks when you lose yourself, but it’s an important milestone every teenager should face because it helps you grow into the true person you’ll eventually be, after all the world doesn’t define you, you define the world”, Jaliyah Washington