
Planned acts of kindness are sweeping the nation!

In Washington at East Valley High School, Konner Sauve, the valedictorian of class 2018, had a very inspiring message.
Throughout the past four years, this exceptionally kind student had been posting encouraging pictures and messages for his classmates anonymously. This movement caused a huge positive reaction from all students involved.
The demand for peer acceptance is higher than ever. Society projects a ton of standards that we’re expected to follow, but we have to encourage everyone, not just certain people. Not only is it needed more now, but it is also easier to do now thanks to social media.
Sauve’s story has inspired a brand new legacy that we are proud to begin at Grant Community High School! From now on if you post a picture with the hashtag #Iseeyoubulldog your post will be transported onto the Newspaper Instagram page.
If you’re looking for a way to encourage positivity or do something kind for your friends, then this is the perfect opportunity. For some students, this could be their only form of recognition.
At Grant, as a community we find it crucial to support everyone who goes here as much as we can.
As Jennifer Pahlka (founder and executive director of Code For America) once stated, “When one neighbor helps another, we strengthen our communities.” With that being said, since we all love that feeling of being appreciated and noticed, post for someone today!