Going to college after highschool is something many people decide to do. However, what makes people decide which college is best fit for them?
What college someone decides to attend is important not just because of education, but because of current and future opportunities. A large amount of thinking has to go into which path to choose because of this. Things like family, financial reasons, and campus life are just some things that people have to think about.
When thinking about college people think of the expenses, which is why the first concern of many people is the cost. When taking a poll many seniors said that the scholarships and cost of college dictated where they went. This may lead people to a community college for a few years in order to save money. Martin Villalobos, a senior who’s majoring in general studies, chose community college for two years since he is “saving a lot of money compared to a big university.” Community college may be the choice for people who want to save money. However, scholarships also play a large part in the financial part of picking college. Lots of times, money is what people need to think about when they choose which college to go to.
Additionally, degrees, majors, and career paths are all major factors in choosing a college. People want the college that best aligns with what they want to study and do as a possible lifetime career. Julia Podgorski, who’s majoring in both government and english at Wesleyan University, said she chose this university since “it’s really easy to double major.” People choose which college is best for what they want to study and will set them up for the future best.
Along with the two previous reasons, the location of the college is another factor people typically think about. College is almost always a new environment, no matter where people go.
Julia said that she wanted a college on the east coast since it’s where “things like policy and politics are happening” while Martin chose to “stay close to home.” For many seniors, college is usually where they’ll study for the next two-four years so the college and its location are a big part of choosing.
Lots of time and energy goes into picking which school to pursue the rest of someone’s education. Choosing a college isn’t just a quick thought, and can take a long time. Whether it’s a local community college or a prestigious university half-way across the country choosing a college is important for anyone planning on going.