As the year comes to a close, many seniors are having trouble choosing a major to focus on. Choosing a single major can be difficult, but is such an important step in figuring out what someone may want to base their college experience on, or even their life on. It may seem simple at first, but it may be quite complex for some to pick something they will enjoy and have a good college experience. Some useful resources to pick a major include Grant’s College and Career Center, college field trips and visits, and online programs made by colleges. A survey answered by Grant students shows the various ways students use to pick a major. People can choose their major by looking for a career that best aligns with their work style and values. Some people think about what they would love to do for the rest of their lives, while still regarding humanity and life. Another way to pick a major that best fits anyone is to pick one that they may want to use for the rest of their lives. “This means you can spend a big chunk of your life in this field …so choose your major wisely.” Other people pick a major that they aren’t interested in and get peer pressured to pick a quick major that they don’t like. “Some students are pushed by family and peers into a major they’re not interested in. Others will look to an authority figure to make this decision for them.”
Bloom Dawson:
People who have already picked their majors typically have lots of their lives planned
out. As Bloom Dawson shows, “Being an Eagle Scout I’ve found more of a connection
with nature, which has made me love plant ecology; and has helped me pick a career
path to focus on environmental science with a focus on conservation and ecology.”
Anyone can pick a major from the activities they enjoy doing. As Bloom explains, being
an Eagle Scout has helped her choose a major about what she enjoys doing, and thus
picking a major related to the science behind nature, “So that is why I want to work in
habitat restoration”.
Katherine Glenn Porter:
Choir member Katherine Glenn Porter says, “I’ve always lived by ‘do what you love and
do it often’ [therefore] My goal in life has always been to help people in any way no
matter how much I get paid, and being in the choir I want music to be a part of my
major as well.” Katherine shows that anyone can choose a career based on something
they love, and something they have always wanted to do. Katherine shows that anyone
can continue their passion, like music, and continue to do something they have always
wanted to do, like help people in any way possible.