Why would students want to take mythology? If you have an interest in mythology, the paranormal, or fairytales, then maybe mythology is for you. What type of Mythology is taught? It can
vary from year to year. “What I do is set out like eight or nine units that the kids can choose,” Mr Schmitt said. Usually the semester allows three units and if students don’t get the unit they want, they can sign up for Mythology 2. The actual mythologies taught are Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Japanese, Fairy tales, monsters folklore, and urban legends are also offered when the course is taken. The most common one chosen is urban legends because they get to go out and research an urban legend like a haunted house or cemetery. Greek is also popular because of things like Percy Jackson and getting to dress up as a Greek god. Monsters is another popular one because students get to create a survival guide and kit to protect themselves from monsters of all sorts. Usually there are 15-17 students that take this class a semester. There have been two myth classes. There is a myth one in semester one and two. Not every year myth two is offered because it depends on how many students sign up. If this sounds like something you’re interested in then mythology may be the class for you.
Enter a new world beyond your fantasy
Tom Whitson, Writing Staff
May 10, 2024
Mythology Lesson
Junior, Kaya Williams and freshmman, Sabelle Slightam having
a conversation about their favorite mythology lesson.
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About the Contributors

Tom Whitson, Writer
Senior. I joined journalism because I had an interest in writing. Being on The Bark allowed me to write stories and some were good, and some were not my favorite. Journalism is important because it is a form of media that can be seen by anyone, and it allows the people to see what is going on out in the world. It also important because it gives people a voice to be heard and preserves Freedom of Speech. I enjoy collecting vinyl records and some of my favorite artists to collect range from The Beatles to Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones and more.

Joey Vasco, photographer, writer
Hi! I’m Joey Vasco, and I’m a freshman in The Bark. I joined journalism, not fully knowing what it was. Only knowing the definition of what a journal was, I simply wanted to grow in my writing skills. Journalism definitely did help me with growing in my grammar and writing skills, and that is one of the main reasons why this class is important for many people. A little fun fact about me would be that I own 2 cats.