Varsity football player Matthew Gipson exemplifies what a positive mindset looks like and knows how to turn negativity into motivation to be a better athlete. It’s essential to keep a positive mindset when playing football so you can play to the best of your ability.
Football is argued to be one of the most difficult and dangerous sports in the world. Requiring a high mental drive and ambition and also having extreme levels of talent and being physically challenged daily. While having good talent and being fit are key elements to being successful in football, it is also vital that players prioritize keeping a controlled and focused mindset on and off the field.
Starting sophomore quarterback, Matthew Gipson, has been playing football since he was in third grade. He has learned a lot through his experiences playing football.
Of course there have been some down points in his football career, it’s important he knows to learn from them. Turning negativity into learning opportunities and motivation is one of the most important things Matthew does to maintain his mindset. Matthew elaborates “There’s always negatives, it’s not all positives; I take the negativity and compare it to how I can make myself better and what I can do to improve.”
If one can have a positive mindset one can also help others and motivate others to have one too. As a quarterback it is one of Matthew’s main jobs to maintain his leadership. “A lot more goes into being a leader than just telling people what to do, being able to lead by example is a big thing and giving something people could see like putting hard work into everything you do.” With that statement as an athlete it’s vital for him to know his strengths and responsibilities so he could use them to his advantage. This benefits not only him but his teammates as well. Running back Tyler Zdon has been playing with Matthew since third grade; they have seen each other grow as athletes and they both concur that they play the best together. “His leadership is his greatest quality, when I’m frustrated he tries to keep my head up and keep my mindset right”. Motivating his teammates plays a big role in his leadership. Not only do his teammates see this but his coaches see him being a leader as well “ A sophomore starting varsity quarterback which is a really tough job to do for a young guy, but his leadership has definitely been growing and improving throughout the season,” coach Bridge states

As Matthew knows it is crucial for him to obtain a growth mindset it will only help improve his abilities and talent. With a growth mindset one thinks that there is always something to work on. “If I know what I have to do better, I’m pretty good at staying set at that one thing. When I achieve it there’s always something to get better at so I’m always working to get better”, Matthew elaborates. It’s important for him to know the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset so that it doesn’t lead him down the wrong path. Coach Bridge agrees that “Matthew has the right mindset. I think he’s really focused, he wants to do well, he loves football. It’s obvious with the way he practices and the way he prepares.” His coach’s words are the result of what happens when he maintains a growth mindset and maintains the role of a motivational leader.

Keeping a positive mindset isn’t easy, especially in the sport of football but Matthew does a great job of working hard to keep his head straight on and off the field while maintaining the role of a leader.