Around the school, the phrase “Keep it R.E.D.” is plastered all over the walls and is chanted at students from the second they walk through the doors on their first day of school. On the surface, this motto means to stay respectful, engaged, and dependable, but “Keeping it R.E.D.” could mean doing something as simple as picking up trash at lunch or finishing homework on time. Grant Community High School does a lot to keep a safe environment and keep students looking forward to the 7:40 AM bell.
Every year the staff and administration put together a video called “We Are Here For You” which takes place the week of November 6th. This video is displayed in TEAM classes all around the school, which shows students the importance of being able to speak to the adults around when needed. This video features resources students can use when speaking about problems regarding themselves or others.

A challenge was put together to open the school year to see what class had the best attendance. Attendance is important for high schoolers to get into the habit of being punctual. Being on time helps students to become prepared for a future job. Future bosses won’t be as forgiving as the teachers from GCHS when someone shows up late for an important interview or task. So, in order to get students for their life after high school, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors compete to see who has the best attendance during the “Be on Time Challenge”. This challenge is as simple as it sounds, just be on time for class! As a result of this challenge, TEAM classes Weinmann, Lev, and Collins all won a donut party since their attendance was impeccable