Looking Back
A recap of the Varsity Football team’s performance.
January 1, 2023
After a tough season, Grant’s Varsity Bulldogs close out the season with many lessons learned and comments about their new coach, Mr. Norwood. There were many tough teams that they faced, and the players are open to making any improvements necessary for next season! Wide Receiver Braeden Carlson thinks he would “Definitely get in the weight room more.” Carlson, while speaking about the teams Grant faced, said the big concern was that “a lot of the other teams were stronger, and they were in the weight room more.” Carlson considers Mr. Norwood to be a fantastic coach, and he says the overall coaching set the team up for success.
In addition to possible improvements for the future, Quarterback Rylan Art believes there’s hope for the next season. “I think we took a lot of strides forward. We were competitive in almost every game,” he says, “and I think next year is going to be the year that we really take off and start winning those close games.” When asked about possible changes, Art explains that the team should listen to the new coach, Mr. Norwood, more often. “He came from winning programs, so he knows how to win.” Looking back into a highlight of the season, Rylan recalls the game against William Howard Taft High School as a game he’ll never forget. He says, “It came down to the last play- and we ended up winning.” Art describes the game as special, as “coming from last year, we got blown out by them. It showed how far we’ve come.” With the closed season, there is lots of room for improvement for the Football Varsity Bulldogs- keep a sharp eye next season!