Worst Holiday Gifts
What not to gift someone.
Sydney Rinkenberger holding up a bad gift.
January 15, 2022
Whether someone wants to get or give gifts, everyone knows how lousy one looks. How awkward it is to open something that no one wants to open in front of friends and family. Imagine opening it right in front of them, pretending to be excited. Getting gifts can be a challenging task, below are some gifts that aren’t the greatest idea.
There are good and bad gifts however some are overrated. One of the most overrated gifts is a coffee mug. Someone may think that the cute sayings on them make it unique when there are a million others out there similar to the one bought. Meanwhile, there are scented candles and soap. Although pleasant, they are predictable. Not only do people receive them often as a filler gift, but, as stated, have a scent. Things with scents in them can be tricky. Someone can not tell what another person does and does not want to smell.
There is the idea of Re-gifting. Some say it is perfectly fine to re-gift, others however say it’s a terrible idea. It could be a bad idea because they could have been gifted to the person before. Items they found around the house and found no value in. The value of the gift is diminished because it wasn’t meant for the person receiving it. Others say it’s a wonderful thing, they don’t need to spend as much or any money. It could possibly be a version of recycling. They’ll also say that a friend of theirs had been wanting something similar to it for the longest time. Not only are they doing themselves a favor by getting rid of what they no longer want, and still giving their friend something that they’ve always wanted. There will never be a right or wrong answer to re-gifting being acceptable or not.
There are not only overused and re-gifted gifts but gifts that nobody wants as well. Something that no one will ever want to open in front of their family is undergarments of any kind. Imagine having to open that in front of a guardian. There is also no need to purchase clothing for someone person doesn’t know well. Since they don’t know them well or they don’t have the best take on their style. They could buy them a pair of jeans or a shirt they think they could want or look flattering on them, only to see them never wear it because it isn’t part of their aesthetic. Someone may think that getting someone a pet is a good idea when it isn’t. No one knows what someone’s living style is. Pets of any kind are huge responsibilities that some aren’t ready for. They could have a job that restricts their time at home or the amount of money they can spend on toys or food for a pet. This type of decision requires a great deal of time and thought which should not be made for them. In the end though, no matter what someone gets as a gift, it’s the thought that truly matters.