Club Spotlight: Chess Team

Eleanor Escobedo, writer

GCHS Junior Bryan Packard enjoys the Chess Team and it’s definitely open to new people joining whether you have experience or no experience in chess.

Bryan Packard contemplating his next move (Eleanor Escobedo)

When and Where?

The Chess Team takes place on Wednesdays and Thursdays and ends at 4:30. On Wednesdays the Chess Team meets in the library or room 180 and on Thursdays, the Chess Team also starts out in the library or in room 180 but gradually ends in room 289.


What are we about?

The Chess Team focuses on placement matches on Wednesdays and, on Thursday the Chess Team plays chess puzzles afterwards, they play chess games as soon as they get up to room 289. 


What do you need to know?

It is your choice to be a part of the chess team or just play for fun at the beginning of each year. The Chess Team plays against nearby schools and attends a state competition in February. The Chess Team accepts everyone and anyone, even if you have little to no experience with chess, the Chess Team is a very welcoming club.