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Creed II

On November 21, 2018, not only is Creed coming back from 2015, but so is Michael B Jordan, the actor of Adonis Johnson in the film. Michael’s last film was Creed I, where he played the main role of Adonis Johnson back in 2015. He is coming back into the film industry with the new movie, Creed II.

Spider Man- Into the Spiderverse

On December 14, 2018, “Spiderman- Into the Spiderverse” will introduce itself to theaters all around America. In that film will be Nicholas Cage coming back to our screens to speak as Spiderman.


On November 1, 2018, “Robinhood” will make its way into theaters, along with its actor Leonardo DeCaprio. Leonardo’s last film was “Delirium”, in which he was a producer. He has now produced the new move “Robinhood”.\



(photo credit creative commons)