Elyanna Torres
With the freedom to choose from a plethora of career paths, women in the 21st century have had more freedom than ever. Yet, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of what seems to be more traditional roles. What drives this revival, and what is its appeal in a modern world?
The internet’s interest has fixed itself on creators such as Nara Smith and Ballerina Farm, questioning their desire to be stay-at-home mothers and wives. These women bake and cook from scratch and are the primary caretakers of their children while their husbands pursue work. These women, referred to as “tradwives,” or traditional wives, have come under scrutiny on many internet spaces due to their lifestyle and the promotion of it.
Many years ago, women were expected to be homemakers. Yet as time progressed, it became more acceptable for women to enter the workplace. After such a long fight for equality, it seems almost like society is regressing.
However, according to Family and Consumer Sciences teacher Patricia Qasabian, there isn’t an increase in women choosing the ‘tradwife’ lifestyle because it’s unrealistic for many in the current economy.
“That’s not happening. Everyone I know works.”
There also doesn’t seem to be a trend in which students choose to take classes that might relate to skills a tradwife would use, such as cooking.
“We have a mix of students in all of our classes,” she explains, “and I tend to see more men in Foods.”
This begs the question– is this trend just a loud minority, or is there truly more to it?
Despite the “traditional” pictures and videos online, it seems as though most of this content only comes from the same few accounts. The two most prominent women, as previously mentioned, are Nara Smith and Ballerina Farm. Their choice to be stay-at-home mothers was surrounded by controversy online, creating the illusion that this lifestyle is more widespread than it is in actuality.
The discourse around the topic comes from the idea that choosing to be a trad wife is a regression, setting back the rights that women fought for so long ago. However, the argument exists that the very ability to choose is what women fought for. Either way, everyone must set out to do what makes them happy and feel as though their lives are fulfilling.